small smart choices + consistency + time = success
I have found this to be true. I remember on my graduation day from college thinking that it was this grand event, yet the there wasn't one big thing that I did to earn my bachelor's degree, but rather a lot of small decisions. Like waking up to go to class, taking notes, studying for a test, writing a paper, and so on. I acheived my degree by completing one assignment, one project, one paper, and one test at a time.
Another example. I went to a fitness class last summer. At the end of the class, the teacher had us do a 4-minute tabata ab routine. In tabata, you work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 for 8 rounds. You can find some tabata songs and timers on you tube. Anyway, we completed the ab routine which had all of our abs burning like crazy. One of the class members stood up and asked, "do I have a six pack now?" Everyone laughed, of course, because wouldn't it be nice if you had a six pack after one 4 minute routine?
What does it really take to acheive success? Whether it's a college degree or six pack abs it takes small smart choices, plus consistency, plus time. Don't give up if you don't get results fast enough. Keep plugging along. From last June until November I lost weight at about the rate of 1 {ONE} pound per month. That's slow. It's frustrating. So tempting to give up. But, here I am still keeping at it.
As you plan out your New Year's Resolutions, consider this formula. This means you will need to add in things to your daily routine that will have a compounding effect to achieve your goals.
I have created a free 4x6 printable for you to print and stick on the wall. I have an attractive magnet style bulletin board in my kids' bathroom on the opposite wall from the toilet. The board contains pearls of wisdom for my kids to contemplate as they are sitting there captive. Ha! I am adding this formula/quote to that board.
Click for free download |
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